Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Worried, worried, worried

My nephew is back on campus and everyone who steps foot on campus has to self-check for covid. I'm sorry, but this online questionnaire is simply not good enough. 

People who are so blinded by anger or brainwashed by misinformation will simply lie. They may feel that by lying they are striking a blow and "owning the libs."

No, these dumbshits will simply be putting my much-loved nephew at risk. 

Plus he loves school, loves being back on campus. Fortunately, masks are required indoors in all public spaces and he reports students are willingly complying. I hope he gets through his senior year, healthy and without interruption. This is so important to him, and he is so important to me,

They never have been "moral"

... and thank goodness they aren't the majority! 

I've said it before and I'll say it again right here: I want my Christian faith back. If you demonize others by calling it "The China Virus," you're intentionally hurting people, which is not Christian behavior. If you compare being mandated to merely wear a mask to submitting to Nazis, you are diminishing the real-life suffering of those who were hunted, round up, murdered and left in mass graves. That is not Christian behavior either. If you think demonizing and diminishing is Christian behavior, you need to talk to your minister. Seriously.

August Happiness Challenge -- Day 24

Today's happiness -- Social Security. Received my Social Security Benefits Statement today. It made me happy to see how much I'll get every month. When I've run the numbers, anticipating retirement, I've never included Social Security in my calculations because the rules keep changing about when/how much I could collect. 

Soc is not enough to live on but it's not insignificant, either. I feel better about my post-working future, which comes closer every day!

Each day in August you are to post about something that makes *you* happy. Pretty simple. And, it doesn't even have to be every day if you don't want it to be. It's a great way to remind ourselves that there are positive things going on in our lives, our communities, and the world.