Sunday Stealing: The Put Your Questions in the Box Questions
1. Where were you three hours ago? Fighting to stay awake. It's a lazy Sunday and I'd be just as happy to crawl right back into bed.
2. Make a confession.Yesterday morning, while watching a Will and Grace marathon, I realized anew that in many ways, Will Truman is my ideal man.
3. Bad habits? I'm addicted to Farmville 2.
4. Favorite color? Blue
5. Can you drive? No
6. 3 pet peeves. Space hogs who take up more than one seat on the train, people who take more than 10 items to the 10 items or less line, people who twirl their hair incessantly.
7. Last person you hugged. My nephew
8. Something you miss. My waist
9. What song is stuck in your head at the moment? "Benny and the Jets"
10. Favorite quote. "Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim." Nora Ephron
11. Favorite band. The Lads from Liverpool
12. Something your excited for. Today's Cub game. Kyle Schwarber seems to have his groove back.
13. Favorite movie.
14. What type of phone do you have? An LG piece of shit with a cracked screen.
15. Favorite animal. I have a soft spot for just about all of them.