Wednesday, August 07, 2024

August Happiness Challenge -- Day 7

My 2024 Happiness Icon
Today's happiness: Company as I Did Housework

Today I had the windows opens and was able to cool my home with box fans instead of air conditioning. I vacuumed and Swiffered and had the Cubs on as I worked. My guys won 8-2. I was so happy that I actually sang the victory song.
Happy August Happiness Challenge!
Each day in August you are to post about something that makes *you* happy. Pretty simple. And, it doesn't even have to be every day if you don't want it to be. It's a great way to remind ourselves that there are positive things going on in our lives, our communities, and the world.



  1. Glad the Cubs were victorious as you cleaned!

  2. I like to listen to something as I work too - usually it's a podcast or audiobook. Last night, I listened to Kamala Harris and her new VP pick, Tim Walz. So glad that your beloved Cubs won - that, coupled with temps cool enough to open windows, certainly is something to be happy about!

  3. It has been so hot here for so long. I'm hoping to finally be able to open some windows and air the place out this weekend and into next week as we finally get some cooler temps.

  4. Yay! Glad the Cubs won.


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