Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Thursday Thirteen #377

The red, itchy, scratchy edition. I have very pale skin and rashes bedevil me. As I write this, I have a big splotch just over my left breast ... and I'm concentrating on not scratching or rubbing it. Fortunately my clothes cover it in public.

I am not alone. OTC rash treatments are a big business. Just diaper rash creams alone are a billion dollar industry. So there's a lot of redness and itching and scratching out there!
Here are 13 facts about skin rashes:

1. No one race or ethnicity is inherently susceptible to skin rashes. Mine just show more because my skin is so light.

2. Everyone will develop a rash at one time or another, beginning with diaper rash as a baby.

3. The most common type of skin rash is contact dermatitis. This is a reaction to something that irritates the skin (like a new fragrance or laundry detergent).

4. Hives are common, too. (I suspect this is what I'm dealing with right now.) Hives can be a reaction to bug bites, airborne allergens and extreme temperatures.

5. A rash can be an indication of an infection, like strep throat.

6. It can also be a sign of viral infection, such as chicken pox or covid. (When I had covid in 2020, it wasn't breathing that was hard. I was bedeviled by gastrointestinal issues and the worst rash. It actually bled!)

7. It's not a myth: scratching a rash will make it worse. Scratching releases serotonin, which just intensifies the itch. Better to leave it alone or, if you must, rub it.

8. A warm oatmeal bath can provide relief. (Look for colloidal oatmeal in the ingredients.)

9. Soaking in Epsom salts can help, too, because they not only soothe irritation, they help remove dry, dead skin.

10. Hydrocortisone cream can help reduce both the itch and irritation.

12. So can calamine lotion. I haven't tried this because it seems so old school, so Girl Scout camp. But that's just silly on my part. Next time I go to the drug store, I'll drop a bottle in my basket.

13. Don't be shy about calling your healthcare provider about skincare. Especially if the rash appears suddenly, spreads quickly, or forms sores.
How about you? How is your skin feeling today?

Please join us for THURSDAY THIRTEEN. Click here to play along, and to see other interesting compilations of 13 things.



  1. I have dry skin so I use a lot of hypersensitive skin lotion. I get moles that itch terribly when they first come up. I am sorry you have a rash; I hope you're putting something on it!

  2. I was lamenting that I have developed a rash on my non-broken foot for some weird reason. I would have expected it to be the bound foot.


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