Saturday, April 30, 2022

Sunday Salon

This weekend, I'm thinking about new vs redo. I just got back from the TCM Film Festival in Hollywood. Sponsored by Turner Classic Movies, it give us classic films fans a chance to enjoy old movies on the big screen. I loved it. Loved. It. This was my second festival, and I'm already planning to go next year. But it's expensive, and won't leave me much in my travel budget for other trips in 2023.

At the Festival, I chose 11 movies. Four were new to me, 7 were rewatches. In preparation for my trip, I reread Furious Love, the story of Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, the Hollywood-est couple ever. 

On HBO Max, I recently binged on The West Wing. I loved that show, and realized that while I remember the characters and their personalities very well, plot details were lost to time so I was quite engaged. But here's the thing: there are almost a gazillion shows I haven't yet seen.

So that's my dilemma: Do I luxuriate in enjoying old favorites -- be they movies, books, TV shows or destinations -- or do I try new things?

How do you deal with this? Do you reach for the new experience or do you long to return to a favorite? Or have you decided that new vs. redo doesn't matter as long as you enjoy your choice?

Check out other Sunday Salon participants here.


  1. Let me put on my psychology teacher hat for a moment: Familiar shows/movies/books require less mental energy to process, we tend to consider it good because it is easy and comfortable.

    I used to scoff at my friends who would re-read books because there are just so many new books out there, but when the pandemic hit, I realized how true it is that we reach for old favorites for comfort and familiarity.

  2. I rewatch movies more than anything else. Even with all my TV on DVD, I don't rewatch as much as I'd like to. There just isn't time. I rarely reread these days. Again, not because I don't want to. There just isn't the time. But rereading and rewatching can give us such great pleasure, can't it?

  3. For most of my life, I've avoided rewatching and rereading, preferring instead to seek out the new and intriguing. But now, at this time of my life, I seem to be enjoying looking again at the certainty of the old much more than the promise of the new.

    When my husband and I were young, going to movie conventions and movie screenings was the only way to watch old movies (pre-VCR). We would often do these...they were so much fun!

  4. I think a balance between the two might be a good idea! On the bookish front, there are always wonderful new books coming out, on the movie front - not so much. (That's just my opinion) I love to rewatch movies, but not keen on re-reads no!

    Have a wonderful week and happy reading and watching.

    Elza Reads

  5. If I go somewhere I would watch new things. You can always rewatch things later in your own time. I've never been to a festival though so 😂

    Have a great week

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog

  6. I don't think there's a right answer to this question. I generally don't reread books. I generally don't rewatch TV series, but . . . I will sit with Big Bang Theory on while I read (or MASH or something else familiar). When I am sick, I tend to seek out older, comforting shows like Little House on the Prairie. When I am feeling well and moving forward, then it's new stuff. When I need to remember good overcomes evil, I rewatch The Lord of the Rings. This is an individual question, and preferences change from time to time even within the person. Do what makes you happy and/or calm and/or comfortable.


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