Thursday, August 08, 2024

August Happiness Challenge -- Day 8

My 2024 Happiness Icon
Today's happiness: It's Done!

I feel like I have been worried about my kitchen sink forever. First it was little winged bugs that would fly up through the drain in cold weather. I combated them with lots of hot water and a drain cleaner especially for the purpose, but it was a temporary fix because the bugs were coming in from somewhere.

Then it was the leaky pipes under my sink. I taped it up myself (and did a pretty good job, if I do say so myself) and put a bucket down there. but I knew it wasn't a forever fix, either.

Who would replace those pipes? I have a handyman I trust, but not a plumber. Would it be expensive and time-consuming? Would this plumber I don't even know have to turn off the water for the whole building? Will there be famine and pestilence? Really, I was spinning out of control.
I'm such an odd duck. In my previous professional life, I could make consequential decisions on the spot, at the head of the table, with all eyes on me. I was confident and didn't hesitate. But this homeowner shit! It perplexes and vexes me! 

The plumber was here for just 90 minutes. The bill came in at the midpoint of the estimate. Now I have a kitchen sink with no cracks for bugs and no leaks, and a plumber I can trust if something else goes wrong.
I am happy that it's done. I am happy that it ended well. I am happy I can relax.

Happy August Happiness Challenge!
Each day in August you are to post about something that makes *you* happy. Pretty simple. And, it doesn't even have to be every day if you don't want it to be. It's a great way to remind ourselves that there are positive things going on in our lives, our communities, and the world.



  1. I am happy that my husband calls a plumber. Glad you can relax now!

  2. I tend to spin out of control too, so I totally get worrying about a home repair. I am so glad that you found a good plumber and got everything taken care of. That really is a reason to be happy!

  3. I get this on a soul level.

  4. Yay for the plumber! House repair is a pain in the patoot. I hate having someone I don't know come in to fix something, too.


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