Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #18 -- How to tell if it's me or a pod from outer space

Thirteen Things THE GAL HERSELF
would never say … THAT IS, IF IT'S REALLY HER!

This TT was inspired by the fine film making of Ed Wood. The only way I would ever utter any of these phrases is if my heart, brain and soul had been sucked out by dastardly aliens, leaving behind nothing but a wasted humanoid shell.

Please review the entire list before notifying Fox Muldaur.

1…. I love NASCAR. Wrestling, too!

2. You’re right. If I already have a black purse, why buy another one?

3. Beer? Ick!

4. Of course I’ll be at our next high school reunion! Please, let me help organize this one, too.

5. I just can’t get enough Three Stooges. Benny Hill, too!

6. No, thank you. None for me. Grilled cheese and hot dogs are kid stuff.

7. The most sophisticated people I know are White Sox fans.

8. No, really, I’m dying to hear what Dr. Phil has to say about that.

9. Rush Limbaugh is sure funny. Hot, too!

10. Let’s listen to opera.

11. Elizabeth Hasselbeck's thinking is nuanced and perceptive.

12. I’ll pass on dessert.

13. If only we could elect George W. Bush to a third term!

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

1. Check out Courtney's aspirational thirteen.

2. Dewey provides the answers to last week's C&H TT.

3. Jerry has a culinary TT

4. Friday's Child's TT starts with a cute picture of the grandkids.

5. Cordia's TT is about the horrors of going to the dentist.

6. If I were Queen of Everything (I'm not?) Gabriella's TT would be mandatory reading.

7. Thomma Lyn's TT brings us up to date on her latest work in progress.

8. Ctina's TT is about her cat Oliver.

9. Check out Wylie's Google "wish list" TT.

10. As they say on Sesame Street, Janet's TT is brought to you by the letter O.

11. Susan's TT is about Shapeshifter and Summertime.

12. Margaret's TT is about Savannah.

13. Jenny McB's TT is about New Hampshire.

14. Judging by Janie Hickock Siess's TT, we attend the same meetings!

15. L-Squared's TT is about the moon.

16. Nancy's TT is her to-do list.

17. Sasha's TT is dreamy.

18. Frances' TT is lovely and poignant.

19. It's a Raggedy TT!

20. Fat Bloke's TT is highly aspirational.

21. Inside Mo's Mind you'll find 13 outstanding role models.

22. Samulli's TT is a collection of interesting sites you may wish to visit.

23. Sparky Duck's ode to Mrs. Duck.

24. Stephanie's TT kicks ass with girlpower.

25. Mark/impworks shares 13 ways to a better website.

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


  1. That's an awesome list. I don't think I would ever say any of those, either!

  2. Haha, you're funny! I might utter a few of those things, but only a few! :)

  3. I would never say any of those! Well, maybe a VERSION of number three. Like, "Lite beer, ick."

  4. Anonymous5:48 PM

    I wouldn't say most of those things, but a few... well maybe...

    Great list!

  5. I agree with your #2 too. Why buy another black purse when you've got one.
    My T13 is up too.

  6. Ha ha. I wouldn't say any of those either. Seriously.

  7. Anonymous6:49 PM

    For a minute you scared me with some of those comments. I had to go back up to the top and read again that this was stuff you wouldn't say. Phew!

    Happy TT!

  8. Anonymous7:04 PM

    LOLOL! Many of those I'd never say, either! And I particularly loved #4 -- I hated, loathed, abhorred and despised high school, and there is quite simply NO WAY I'd ever show up at a reunion. Talk about PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder)!

    Happy TT!

  9. Great TT! I think I actually do say some of the things you wouldn't, but hey, thats all okay!

  10. I was laughing throughout, but when I hit #11, I peed.
    Very original!!

  11. ROFLMAO! So many of these made me laugh, but I really snorted at #9! Love your list :-)

  12. Man, those are funny, especially the bit about Rush being hot!

    Happy TT!

  13. Hehe, I don't think I'd say those things either. Great list.

  14. OMG- you are my long, lost, evil, twin sister! This is a great 13, wish I had thought of it...will try to remember it.

    Can you tell me why people watch The view or Phil? Can you hear me retching?

  15. My favorite: "Elizabeth Hasselbeck's thinking is nuanced and perceptive." Bahahahahahaha . . . omg . . . I am rolling on the floor here . . .

    Nicely done.

  16. Hilarious list! I have to admit that I've said #2 and especially #3 many times before though. LOL

  17. Anonymous9:26 PM

    OMG! YOu are too funny. I would have to have had my brains sucked out thru my nostrils to say any of these things.

    Brillant 13!

  18. When I lived in NC, I SWORE I would never utter the words "might could" or "bless her heart"...but I sure ate those words! Still don't "get" NASCAR!

  19. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Hahahah... funny list!

    Happy TT! Mine's up now :)

  20. Yikes at #13! Happy TT.

  21. Anonymous11:21 PM

    I love your list!
    And I loved Ed Wood's movies.
    Saw them all at a little rep movie house in my neighborhood back when I was a teen-ager.
    Was overjoyed when the Johnny Depp movie came out.
    Thanks for sharing,

  22. Love this tongue-in-cheek humor. Had me laughing all the way - totally things to say when feeling a bit snarky!

    Happy Thursday!

  23. Terrific Thursday Thirteen!
    My TT is posted.
    Have a wonderful day!
    Happy TT'ing!
    (")_ (")Š

  24. Nice one - but the 3 stooges??? SHAME ON YOU! lol.

    Have a great TT.

  25. well....altho I *might* utter some of those, it was a great list!!

    (So, what?! You *don't* think Limbaugh is a hottie?! -ya think even his wife DOES??)

  26. LOL I'm right with you on most of them! except the ones where you were talking about people I never heard of, of course. ;o)
    Hope you don't mind me borrowing that topic for one of my next TT's?

  27. hilarious, hilarious hilarious. Though you and I dont see eye to eye on Dr Phil.

  28. This is a super list!! Glad to know you aren't a pod person!!


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