Monday, September 23, 2024

Teaser Tuesday

Here's how to play.

• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!) 

Since Hannah Pittard's We Are Too Many tells us upfront that it is a look at a marriage gone wrong, this is not a spoiler. It made me wish that, at the angry and often tearful but always kinda unhinged moments of break-up, I had been as together as our author, Hannah.

Hannah: You had sex with Trish? 

Patrick: Yes.

Hannah: Do you think you're in love?

Patrick: It's confusing.

Hannah: Thanks for your honesty. I get the house. I get the car. I get the dog. I'll see a lawyer Monday.

Patrick: Did you rehearse that?

Hannah: I didn't. But it's good, isn't it?

From mornin' till night

This song has been running through my mind all day. Because today started well and stayed good till now, when I have my pjs on.

First I went to the orthopedist. It was a follow-up appointment. Last month, for the initial consultation, my knee was so inflamed and achy that I had to take a rideshare. This morning, I walked the 8/10 of a mile. That's how much better my arthritic old knee is, with just exercises, ice and stretches! (I'm not even taking ibuprofen anymore.) He suggested a bone density scan and was pleased to learn I already have one scheduled. Best of all, I have no "next appointment" scheduled. He doesn't see any reason to see me again unless the swelling and pain return.

Then I took Joanna to lunch.
We celebrated her birthday in style. There's a restaurant/winery in my neighborhood that's a little better than the usual places we frequent. She had the chicken piccata with a glass of pinot noir. I had the gnocchi carbonara (delicious!) with a strawberry mule. For dessert, we had truffles with a birthday candle. Because I splurged so on the meal, I had to economize on her gift. I picked up this desk calendar for her, using my 40% card shop discount. She seemed pleased with it, all the same. I was happy to fuss over her, as she's been having a hard time financially in 2024.

The evening ended with my movie group. We discussed Human Desire, a seldom-seen noir from 1954. The movie was provocative and we had a lively conversation.

I wish all days could be as good as this one.