Happy Birthday to Me, Part 1

I haven't been feeling very birthday yet. Part of it is that baseball (blissfully!) ran into November and it threw off my schedule for obsessing. Part of it is that the mercury his 70ยบ today and this unseasonable warmness is also confusing my schedule for obsessing. And then there's the election, which I keep trying to move on from, but everyone I run into keeps insisting we revisit it.

So today I was happy to slip away from work with a coworker and try this new restaurant (at least new to us). It was a little pricier than I was comfortable with, since she was picking up the tab, but she's the one who chose it, so ...

We split the most heavenly appetizer: lobster deviled eggs. Then I had the chicken dip and she had the fish sandwich. We each had drinks, which may have been unwise considering we had to go back to the office. But still, it was lovely. Because it was so warm and sunny, we were able to sit outdoors and watch the city go by. It seems everyone was out, eager to enjoy this last gasp of summer, and as always, Chicago's diversity fascinates and energizes me.