Monday, May 13, 2013



This week's challenge: Using between 33 and 333 words, compose something that includes the third definition of the following word:



3: slow, unhurried, and steady as though allowing time for decision on each individual action involved

There was no sharp realization, no Oprah “Aha! Moment.” It wasn’t that neat or clean or sudden. 

It may not have happened "All at Once," like in the song, but it happened all the same. As deliberate as it was ineffable.  

I find I'm no longer in love.

About the photo: Life Magazine makes a library of their archive images available for free to use for “non-commercial personal purposes."

Blog Every Day in May -- Day 13

Day 13, Monday: Issue a public apology.

Dear Fat Me, I'm so sorry I didn't go to the health club today. I know I am in abhorrent physical condition just now, and blowing off my cardio time is not good for my self esteem, self respect or health. I feel bad, but that's not productive, either. So I will simply work harder tomorrow to do better by and for myself

Blog Every Day in May -- Day 12

Day 12, Sunday: What do you miss? (a person, a thing, a place, a time of your life...)

This is a no-brainer for Mother's Day, but I miss my mom. This was my first Mother's Day without her in my life, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. And this blog really helped me get through it.

For I have a real-time, honest log of my feelings on Mother's Days gone by and, frankly, those posts don't represent my mom and me at our best. She was wrestling health problems, she was vague, she was thoughtless ... I am not sorry to not have another painful Mother's Day to add. 

Which is not to say there isn't a lot about my mother that I admire and that I don't miss her. But it's important to see her clearly. She wasn't perfect. Our relationship wasn't perfect. And I'm glad that her health problems are behind her and that she is happy, whole and with God.