Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Thursday Thirteen #100 -- The Best Albums of the 1980s

THE 13


Between this week's Michael Jackson-themed American Idol and the recent Tuesday Tunes, I've been thinking a lot about the 80s. The good people at Rolling Stone made a long and exhaustive list of the 100 best albums of the 1980s. I reviewed it, and rather than give you their top 13 (many of which I don't even remember; I'm so unhip), I decided to let you know which 13 of their list I actually purchased.

The number that leads into the album title is the designation given to it by Rolling Stone, not by this Gal. And remember, RS was ranking the albums in terms of quality and influence, not sales (which explains why there's no Rick Astley). In all, I recall the 1980s as a very good decade for music -- and Bruce Springsteen.

2. Purple Rain - Prince & The Revolution
5. Graceland - Paul Simon
6. Born In The U.S.A. - Bruce Springsteen
7. Thriller - Michael Jackson
16. 1999 - Prince
25. Tunnel Of Love - Bruce Springsteen
29. Double Fantasy - John Lennon & Yoko Ono
34. Tattoo You - The Rolling Stones
47. Private Dancer - Tina Turner
70. Travelling Wilburys Vol. 1 - Travelling Wilburys
75. She's So Unusual - Cyndi Lauper
81. 1984 - Van Halen
86. The River - Bruce Springsteen

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I Hate Her

I do. Hate her.

SHE would be the hideous woman who cheated on my Adorable Friend, broke his heart, and is making their divorce drag on and on and on because she is a lawyer and knows the system so well. She also has one bitchin' sense of entitlement for a woman who cheated on him and broke his heart.

My Adorable Friend was let go at 9:00 this morning. By 9:36, he was at home, calling me for contacts. He doesn't have time to mourn the loss of this job. He has to get a new job right away because he is busy doing battle with her, and courtroom battles are expensive.

As a married couple, they had two (now still very small) children and a ton of possessions. She seems to be so obsessed with winning that she's forgotten to differentiate between the two. He's afraid that she will use his now unemployed status to demean him as a father/provider in the eyes of the court.

Thank you for letting me vent. Telling him how appalled and angry I am at her does no good right now. He's feeling desperate, and the only thing that will comfort him today is the kind of activity that feels like problem-solving. But he is too good a man, too devoted a dad, for this to be happening and it makes me sooooooo mad!